LISTING] [title] [top]
[Track] |01.| |
[ Track name ] |Feisar lllllllllllsi| |
[ Artist name ] [ sasha ooooooooooii] |
[Track duration] |4:04 | |
|02.| |
|Kittensiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil | |
[ underworld oooooo] |
|3:04 | |
|03.| |
|Icaras ddddddddddi| |
[ sasha ooooooooooi ] |
|4:17 | |
|04.| |
|Know where to run | |
[ orbitalooooooooiiii ] |
|4:10 | |
|05.| |
|Auricom iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio| |
[ sasha ooooooooooii] |
|4:10 | |
|06.| |
|Surrender ooooooii| |
[ mkl ooooooooooooii] |
|3:40 | |
|07.| |
|Lethal Cutmmmmmiil| |
[ Propellerheads oifi] |
|3:39 | |
|08.| |
|Goteki 45 iiiiiiiiiiiiiim| |
[ sasha ooooooooooii] |
|4:15 | |
|09.| |
|Influence jjiiiiiiiiioii| |
[ Chemical Brothers ] |
|4:12 | |
|10.| |
|Piranha oooiiiioooiii| |
[ sasha ooooooooooii] |
|4:13 | |
|11.| |
|Control oooiiioioiio| |
[ mkl oooooooooooiiii] |
|3:40 | |
|12.| |
|Avenue oooiiioooiiiii| |
[ Paul Van Dyk ooooo] |
|4:01 | |
|13.| |
|Xpander oooooiiooo| |
[ sasha ooooooooooo] |
|4:07 | |
[ no tunes are available for down:load for the simple reason that it would take up too much bandwidth and would slow the whole system down ]
[ however... ]
[ ::: If you are really desperate for the Wip3out
soundtrack [ either in .mp3 or .wav format ] then visit www.musicmatch.com
and download their jukebox. This allows you to rip the music
straight off the Wip3out game to .mp3 or .wav format. ::: ]
[any mail on this subject
would be greatly recieved]
( All copyrights reserved to their respective artists. Don't sue me)